What are valid table names in SQLite?

Solution 1:

I haven't found a reference for it, but table names that are valid without using brackets around them should be any alphanumeric combination that doesn't start with a digit:

abc123 - valid
123abc - not valid
abc_123 - valid
_123abc - valid
abc-abc - not valid (looks like an expression)
abc.abc - not valid (looks like a database.table notation)

With brackets you should be able to use pretty much anything as a table name:

[This should-be a_valid.table+name!?]

Solution 2:

All of these are allowed, but you may have to quote them in "".

sqlite> CREATE TABLE "123abc"(col);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE "123abc.txt"(col);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE "123abc-ABC.txt"(col);
sqlite> select tbl_name from sqlite_master;

In general, though, you should stick to the alphabet.

Solution 3:

Per Clemens on the sqlite-users mailing list:

Everything is allowed, except names beginning with "sqlite_".

CREATE TABLE "TABLE"("#!@""'☺\", "");

You can use keywords ("TABLE"), special characters (""#!@""'☺\"), and even the empty string ("").

Solution 4:

From SQLite documentation on CREATE TABLE, the only names forbidden are those that begin with sqlite_ :

Table names that begin with "sqlite_" are reserved for internal use. It is an error to attempt to create a table with a name that starts with "sqlite_".