Android - Creating a new activity in Eclipse [duplicate]

Easy one.

I've gone through a few guides and tutorials, and they're quite clear on how to start an activity (with intent).

However, how do I create a new activity in Eclipse? I can probably do this by hand, but then I have to modify the R file, which is auto-generated, and add a new xml layout.

Ok. Being a newbie myself I think the above two answers are thinking too much. He's asking very simply how to create a new activity in Eclipse.. I think this is what he wants:

A new Activity in Eclipse is actually a Class.

You would doubleclick 'src' on the left side in the Package Explorer, then highlight your 'com.' name, right click, select 'New' and then select 'Class'. Enter the Name as NewActivity and set the Superclass to, then hit Finish.

When the file opens up it should look like this:

package com.example.yourappname;


public class NewActivity extends Activity {


You can leave the Superclass blank and add extends Activity to the code itself if you prefer.

The final step is adding the Activity to your Manifest. So doubleclick AndroidManifest.xml to open it up and then click the 'Application' tab on the bottom. Next to the 'Application Nodes' box, click 'Add'. Highlight 'Activity' (the square box with a capital A) and click 'Ok'. Now look for the 'Attributes for Activity' box and enter a Name for the Activity and precede it by a period. In this example you'd enter '.NewActivity'.

And then you can add your onCreate() code so it looks like this:

public class NewActivity extends Activity {

     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {         

        //rest of the code

main_view would be your main view xml file, main_view.xml, that you would create in your layout directory.

To call the new Activity, your Intent in the code (in a different Activity) to start a new Activity looks something like this:

Intent startNewActivityOpen = new Intent(PresentActivity.this, NewActivity.class);
startActivityForResult(startNewActivityOpen, 0);

And that's it, you have the code to call the new activity and you created it. I hope this helps someone.

I know this is an old question, but I know there are still people with this same question(I did up until today)

If you add a new activity to your manifest file, there's a special link to click on to automatically create the new Activity, complete with the onCreate() method ready to be filled in.

Open the AndroidManifest.xml, and go to the 'Application' tab. Under 'Application Nodes', find and click the 'Add' button. You will likely create a new element at the top level, so select that option, highlight 'Activity', and press OK.

Once you've created the Activity, go to the 'Attributes for Activity' and fill in the name. Once you've filled in the name you want, click on the blue 'Name*' link next to the field. The new file wizard will show up, and all you have to do is press OK.

Voila! New Activity, registered in the manifest and as a ready-to-go Java class.