How can I enter 2 commands on Windows command line?

Use &.

From the documentation:

command1 & command2 : Use to separate multiple commands on one command line. Cmd.exe runs the first command, and then the second command.

command1 && command2 : Use to run the command following && only if the command preceding the symbol is successful. Cmd.exe runs the first command, and then runs the second command only if the first command completed successfully.

command1 || command2 : Use to run the command following || only if the command preceding || fails. Cmd.exe runs the first command, and then runs the second command only if the first command did not complete successfully (receives an error code greater than zero).

(command1 & command2) : Use to group or nest multiple commands.

command1 parameter1;parameter2: Use to separate command parameters.

&&. The double ampersand actually performs error checking. If the commands to the left of the && don't return with the expected result, the commands on the right aren't executed.

cls && cd

If you want to run the commands on both sides of the &&, use a single ampersand.

cls & cd