Compare multiple values against the same variable [duplicate]

I have a long list of strings to compare against the same variable.

Is there a shorter way to do this?

if(val=="kivi" || val=="apples" || val=="lychee" || val=="banana.C" || val=="mangos")

Solution 1:

Use indexOf with array of values

var valArr = ["kivi","apples","lychee","banana.C","mangos"];

if(valArr.indexOf(val) > -1){

Solution 2:

You can create an array and check if the value exists in array.


var fruits = ['kivi', 'apples', 'lychee', 'banana.C', 'mangos'];

if (fruits.includes(val)) {

var fruits = ['kivi', 'apples', 'lychee', 'banana.C', 'mangos'];

document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('keyup', function() {
    document.getElementById('result').textContent = 'Contains? ' + fruits.includes(this.value);
}, false);
<input type="text" id="test" />
<div id="result"></div>

Note that this is supported in latest browsers. However, polyfill can be used in older browsers.

Browser CompatibilityMDN

Solution 3:

Nope. That's about as short as it gets for direct string comparison.

If you have a lot of values to compare against you could put those values in an array and use indexOf, like this:

var comparisons = ["kivi", "apples", "lychee", "banana.C", "mangos" ];
if (comparisons.indexOf(val) != -1) {
    // do something...

Solution 4:

myArr = ["kivi", "apples", "lychee", "banana.C", "mangos"];

if(myArr.indexOf(val) != -1)
   // Element Found!!