How do I restore Inee to sanity?

I'm just blundering around the Gateway Inn looking for loot a ghost. After having a chat with Inee I open a door and whaddya know, a ghost starts wailing on me. After dispatching it I notice something is still attacking me, and it looks like Inee has gone crazy, punching my glass armor with bare hands. I've tried a few different spells to calm him down, but no luck. I could just leave, but is it possible to bring Inee back to sanity?

Solution 1:

Seems something hit Inee during the fight and caused him to attack.

  • You can simply leave and wait for his aggression to go away.
  • You can use the calm humanoid spell to try to pacify him.
  • You can use the charm spell on him to stop him from attacking.
  • After you pacified him, you can try to use speechcraft to improve his disposition to make future attacks less likely.
  • You can use demoralize humanoid to send him fleeing.
  • You can use paralyze to stop him from attacking.
  • It's possible he is just under the effect of a frenzy humanoid spell and will stop attacking on his own in a few minutes.
  • You can try using fisticuffs against him and hope he surrenders after a while.

If all of this doesn't stop him permanently from attacking you, you have no option but to pacify or ignore him whenever you enter the inn or to kill him.