Convert String from ASCII to EBCDIC in Java?

Please note that a String in Java holds text in Java's native encoding. When holding an ASCII or EBCDIC "string" in memory, prior to encoding as a String, you'll have it in a byte[].

ASCII -> Java:   new String(bytes, "ASCII")
EBCDIC -> Java:  new String(bytes, "Cp1047")
Java -> ASCII:   string.getBytes("ASCII")
Java -> EBCDIC:  string.getBytes("Cp1047")

JTOpen, IBM's open source version of their Java toolbox has a collection of classes to access AS/400 objects, including a FileReader and FileWriter to access native AS400 text files. That may be easier to use then writing your own conversion classes.

From the JTOpen homepage:

Here are just a few of the many i5/OS and OS/400 resources you can access using JTOpen:

  • Database -- JDBC (SQL) and record-level access (DDM)
  • Integrated File System
  • Program calls
  • Commands
  • Data queues
  • Data areas
  • Print/spool resources
  • Product and PTF information
  • Jobs and job logs
  • Messages, message queues, message files
  • Users and groups
  • User spaces
  • System values
  • System status

You should use either the Java character set Cp1047 (Java 5) or Cp500 (JDK 1.3+).

Use the String constructor: String(byte[] bytes, [int offset, int length,] String enc)

package javaapplication1;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;

import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;

import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;

public class ConvertBetweenCharacterSetEncodingsWithCharBuffer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       //String cadena = "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ñâæÃÈÄóöó@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ÔÁâãÅÙÃÁÙÄ@ÄÅÂÉã@âæÉãÃÈ@@@@@@@@";
        String cadena = "ñâæÃÈÄóöó";
        cadena = "1SWCHD363";


    public static String Convert (String strToConvert,String in, String out){
       try {

        Charset charset_in = Charset.forName(out);
        Charset charset_out = Charset.forName(in);

        CharsetDecoder decoder = charset_out.newDecoder();

        CharsetEncoder encoder = charset_in.newEncoder();

        CharBuffer uCharBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(strToConvert);

        ByteBuffer bbuf = encoder.encode(uCharBuffer);

        CharBuffer cbuf = decoder.decode(bbuf);

        String s = cbuf.toString();

        //System.out.println("Original String is: " + s);
        return s;

    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {

        //System.out.println("Character Coding Error: " + e.getMessage());
        return "";


