Itunes backup for Iphone folder on Windows 10?

I'm doing really hard on finding the backup folder, that Itunes uses for my Iphone 6s. The Backup worked fine, but I cannot find any Apple or Apple Computer folder in my AppData folder, which I access over %AppData% in my search bar. I also cannot find the place, where Itunes is installed, also the option when I right click on the Icon to go to the link folder destination does not show up.

Why is Itunes hidden like a needle in a haystack? Anyone an idea, why I have no Apple or Apple Computer folder in my metadata folder AppData?

If you install iTunes using the Microsoft Store on Windows 10, the iTunes backup location is %userprofile%\Apple\MobileSync\Backup instead. Try pasting that in to the search bar. I believe the change is due to rules about where apps on the Microsoft Store are supposed to store data. Here's a blog post I wrote going over the iTunes backup locations on different platforms as a reference.