ERROR Android emulator gets killed

I hit this issue trying to run Android API 30. In the end, I had to upgrade Android Emulator to 30.1.5 (it was 30.1.2 before this).

Android SDK Tools settings

I had the same issue, the problem was there is not enough space in my disk drive.. you can see details about your specific situation in layer 'Event Log' this layer regularly is at the bottom on Android studio, it was my output Log:

"02:45 PM Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Not enough space to create userdata partition. Available: 3310.363281 MB at /home/user/.android/avd/my_Nexus_5X_API_27.avd, need 7372.800000 MB."

I had just 7 GB free, so just delete some GB's in my D.D. and it's working fine.

For me it seems it was a problem that OpenGL didn't work on my machine. I fixed it as follows:

  1. Go to: Tools > Android > AVD Manager
  2. Press the "edit" (pencil) icon next to your AVD
  3. Change "Graphics" to "Software".