Windows7: Changing Backshift Shortcut in Explorer back to upwards?
Solution 1:
Here's an article on How-To Geek that should help!
Make Backspace in Windows 7 or Vista Explorer Go Up Like XP Did
The Awesome AutoHotkey Fix
Now that we know the shortcut key that actually works in Windows 7, we can use a small script to make it work the way we really want it to. With AutoHotkey installed, create a new script with New –> AutoHotkey Script, and then paste in the following:
#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass Backspace:: ControlGet renamestatus,Visible,,Edit1,A ControlGetFocus focussed, A if(renamestatus!=1&&(focussed=”DirectUIHWND3″||focussed=SysTreeView321)) { SendInput {Alt Down}{Up}{Alt Up} }else{ Send {Backspace} } #IfWinActive
Compiled version (exe file)