iMac login screen is very slow (Mojave)

Whenever I wake up my iMac, the login screen takes very long time to respond (roughly 8 seconds). This happens on Mojave (I cannot remember if it also happened in the previous OS but I think it did).

I emphasize that it does not happen on my MacBook Pro which is the same OS Mojave. Therefore I think it's an iMac issue.

What can fix this issue?

Is the iMac an older model with a hard disk instead of an SSD? It takes a while for hard drives to 'spin up' compared to an SSD in a newer MacBook Pro.

If you haven't already try resetting the SMC and the NVRAM (PRAM) on your device.

Next try booting into safe mode (safe boot) and then try to restart the Mac afterwards and see if that helps.

Safe mode (sometimes called safe boot) is a way to start up your Mac so that it performs certain checks and prevents some software from automatically loading or opening. Starting your Mac in safe mode does the following:

  • Verifies your startup disk and attempts to repair directory issues, if needed loads only required kernel extensions
  • Prevents startup items and login items from opening automatically
  • Disables user-installed fonts
  • Deletes font caches, kernel cache, and other system cache files

Perhaps reinstalling macOS via macOS Recovery can help.

Also depending on your model and year of iMac, you may be able to upgrade the amount of memory in it and possibly double the current amount.