How do you put numbers in a sign or text?

Solution 1:

To include numbers in the text, use one of these special character sequences to display values input on the corresponding pins.

{R} to display the value input on the red pin.

{G} to display the value input on the green pin.

{B} to display the value input on the blue pin.

For example, if you want to display the amount of gold a player has on a sign, you might wire their player stat to the red pin of the sign and then put the following text.

You have {R} gold.

If the player then has 80 gold, the {R} will be replaced leaving the sign text to read:

You have 80 gold.

This works with Signs, Text Gadgets, and for some pins on the Message chip.

Solution 2:

You can also use {C}, {M}, {Y} and {K} to get inputs from the other pins, but their usefulness is mostly limited by their sideeffects.