The best laptop for a sysadmin

Solution 1:

I've gone pretty much 'USB everything' so all the extras stay in the bag until needed. USB serial port, USB ethernet adapter ( I hear you about sometimes needing two NICs! ), USB CD/DVD-RW. The weight still adds up on the shoulder, but the base machine then requires nothing more than a USB port (or two or three unless you also add a USB hub to the mix). Also handy: USB card reader, USB headphones/mic, and USB->miniUSB cable (for cellphone charging), oh, and USB->IDE/SATA adapter for quick access to random drives from dead machines. Another advantage to USB is that you still have all the extras if/when you upgrade your notebook to another model!

Screensize is up to personal choice - I've gotten fast with my virtual desktop switcher and lived for a long time on an 800x600 13" screen, so my current 15" 1680x1050 seems absolutely luxurious. Of course, more is always better, right? :)

Whatever you do, max out the RAM in your laptop to whatever your OS can use - you won't regret it when you're trying to read docs in firefox on one desktop and run wireshark in another and have a half dozen screen terms open...

Solution 2:

For me, the perfect SA notebook is something that you can carry everywhere and always be to hand. That means light and small. Notebooks are too big and seem often designed for people to use on tables. Netbooks are just too small. Subnote 12" is perfect.

I have an HP 2510p presently, which they have just since released a new 2530p model of.

  • Weighs less than 1.5kg.
  • The screen is a WXGA, so capable of fitting enough information on and still readable.
  • Built-in DVD+/-RW, for burning new ISOs on the run.
  • Bluetooth, for tethering to a mobile.
  • Built-in UMTS/HSDPA, if you wish.
  • A good Synaptics trackpad, instead of just a nipple.
  • Different battery sizes available. I easily get 5hrs out of a medium pack.
  • Keyboard is perfectly good and not re-orientated like some.
  • Build quality is good.

IBM also make some nice subnotes. But the trackpad is a real clincher for me.

I think that now the only solution to serial is USB. If you can find a really small dongle based on a reliable chipset then the hassle is greatly reduced. I've had good experience with Prolific 2303 chipsets. Drivers are in the Linux kernel tree and easily available for Windows. They list some manufacturers on this page and this dongle is also meant to be perfectly good.

Solution 3:

15" Macbook Pro. Reasons:

  • I don't have to mess with the OS to make hardware function. As a sysadmin, I spend enough time doing that on servers.

  • OS X is a certified Unix, which speaks to my geekiness.

  • It has a full complement of shell tools pre-installed, with thousands more a 'port install' away.

  • The touchpad is the only one I've ever used (out of IBM, Dell, HP and Sony laptops) that doesn't make me want to scream, or at least use an external mouse.

  • It's far easier to get VPN software that "just works", whereas several VPN tools don't even run on Linux (or at least, didn't the last time I used it as a workstation).

  • The 1440x900 display means I can run heaps of terminals side-by-side and stacked on each other.

  • Expose and Spaces have become essential productivity enhancements, as I can separate out projects easier.

As someone who works from home and doesn't have to physically connect to systems in data centers, I don't need things like COM ports. Besides, hosting centers have people for that :-).

Solution 4:

I do a fair bit of network engineering in the industrial/engineering sector and needed a laptop with a COM port for both switches and PLCs. The only real options that we found were old Dell Latitude D820s (as of about a year ago you could still purchase these if you told dell you needed the com port) and the Panasonic business rugged Toughbooks.

The toughbooks are great, a little pricey, but great. I've had better experiances with them than with the Dell's, which we found had some memory and CPU problems (bad_pool_caller bluescreens, extreemly slow startup occasionaly (4min+) with CPU going at 100% for no reason). Then again we bought a lot of the Dells and only demoed the toughbooks (the cheaper option won), so samplesize.

Edit: we were looking at these after about three USB to COM adapters and having no luck with Rockwell PLCs. I hear some manufacturers are now building PLCs with USB diagnostic ports, so maybe this won't be such a problem in 5-10 years.

Solution 5:

We've been buying HPs for a few years now and so that's what I have. Current model is a Compaq 6910p. It's not the smallest or lightest, but it's not too big or too heavy. I tried a first generation HP 2133 mini-note, but the screen size was too small on those (the first ones had speakers on either side of the screen, limiting the size). For most of my work, the newer ones would be fine, but my 6910 is still going fine.

Feature I need in a "sysadmin" notebook:

  • I find the DVD drive to be critical, for burning disks, looking at installation disks.

  • As many USB ports as possible, I find I'm always using the 3 on my current laptop. I carry a couple of small USB hubs, one powered, one not.

  • I usually don't carry a mouse, I'm fine with the touchpad and just leave a mouse on my desk for when I'm using it there.

  • A serial port would be nice, but there just aren't many laptops that come with them any more. I do have a serial-usb converter, but I don't carry it around. We have a bunch of older laptops and we leave one in each of the service corridors with the switches.

  • For my own backups, I've got an eSATA PCMCIA card that I use, but that's a "nice to have," not a requirement.