I used Boot Camp Assistant and can't boot OS X

I installed Windows 10 on my Mac using Boot Camp Assistant. When I got into Windows, it asked me if I wanted to install Boot Camp. I selected yes. Now, when I try to restart in OS X, it says "can't locate OS X boot volume"

Additionally, when I hold down the option-key while restarting, I get a windows option, and then a second option that tries to install windows.

Here is a picture of my Disk Management screen and the also the error when I try to restart in OS X.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I feel like the OS X volume still exists, but windows isn't recognizing it. Any help would be appreciated.

Windows can't read APFS.

To get back to macOS you need to hold the Opt ⌥ key at startup.

BTW, don't ever let Windows adjust anything on your drive. Consider that Disk Management tool as a read-only utility. It doesn't understand how it's being fooled into thinking it's in charge & will break things.