How to connect a bluetooth speaker to MacOS and KEEP using the internal speakers

Is there anyway to connect any bluetooth audio device (using the bluetooth toolbar icon) and make MacOS NOT change the output to it once connected?

When I connect any external bluetooth speaker the output changes automatically to the bluetooth as soon as I connect it. I would like to connect the bluetooth and tell the system somehow to keep using the internal speakers after connecting the bluetooth one.

In other words, I want to disable automatic speaker switching after connecting the bluetooth speaker.

The situation is: Consider you are already using the internal speakers, then you connect the bluetooth one: MacOS automatically changes the output to the Bluetooth one. I want to disable this auto-switching

Move you speaker fairly close to your computer and go to the bluetooth icon in your menu bar. Click on the and it should open a pane like the one below.

enter image description here

I use my Amazon Echo as my speaker and the Disconnect button would read Connect if if my Echo wasn't already connected. Your bluetooth speaker should show up in the list. Click on it and select Connect. Once your speaker connects, go to System Preferences and select Sound. You'll get a panel that looks likr so:

enter image description here

You can see if you click on the tab where it lists which speaker to use, you can select the internal speakers of your mac.