Ideal location for pagefile for workstation?

I have a workstation with 16GB of RAM, an 80GB boot SSD, and a software 4x 80GB array for scratch, running Windows 7 64-bit professional. The SSD is slower in sustained throughput than the array (especially on writes). It obviously seeks much faster. I generally use about half my RAM at any point. I've never seen it above 12GB usage.

This is only a question because space is at a premium on the SSD. I've shrank the pagefile to 2GB, but if possible, those 2GB would be nice to have back. Is moving the pagefile to the array going to be detremental to performance?

Quite bluntly, I don't recommend doing any of that. Leave your page file alone. Let Windows run it. It does so better than you. If you are that skimped on space, get a larger drive. Don't jack with Windows management of the page file. It's just worth it.

I would have said don't put your pagefile on the SSD, but this article at Microsoft suggests otherwise:

But if you've never used more than three quarters of your RAM, you probably don't really need a pagefile. Meaning that you should either move it to the normal hard drives (as it won't get used) or if you are feeling brave, remove the pagefile altogether.

Based on your comment on the other answer and on the MSDN blog post, I would say leave it alone* on the SSD!

  • Where leave it alone means constrain it to a sensible size (based on your other comments)!