VS code, jump to after closing quote/braces/parenthesis

With Visual studio Code if I'm in the middle some quote/braces/brackets/parenthesis is there a way to jump to after end of the current block?

Eg. If

enter image description here

it allows me jump to the end of the quote

enter image description here

Or from:

enter image description here


enter image description here

April 2020 Update

Yes, use Ctrl+Shift+\, (or ⇧ + ⌘ + \ on Mac) to jump to closest bracket. If cursor is currently in-between the brackets, first it will jump to closing bracket, each consequent press will jump between opening and closing brackets.

You can reassign the binding to your liking in Keyboard Shortcuts using editor.action.jumpToBracket command.

Use ctrl+right it triggers the cursorWordEndRight command. It moves the cursor by whole words. These "words" include spaces, parenthesis, commas and the likes. You can modify the keybinding shortcut to what you desire. I personally use ctrl+alt+space for now. It's not perfect but it's the best alternative I have currently.

The TabOut extension doesn't do exactly what you're describing (I think), but comes very close.

Note: I'm still trying it out so I'm not sure if I like Tab meaning different things depending on the context, but so far it's getting me pretty close to what I want.

use Ctrl + Enter in Windows 10 if you want get outside and go downline. or Ctrl + Shift + Enter if you want get outside and go upline.