Mouse cursor disappearing at every second boot Ubuntu 13.10 [closed]

You can check this bug

I'm no longer affected on a new 14.04 dev install but on my 13.10 install from 2 weeks prior to release it still could happen

For the 13.10 install disabling the gnome-settings-daemon cursor plugin has proved effective. To try, in terminal

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false

To re-enable just run same command but use true instead of false

settings - displays - disable unknown display. it works for me

I have this issue happen randomly on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04 (sometime at boot time, sometime while the system is up): the mouse cursor doesn't show up but the mouse can still be used. One way to make it reappear that worked for me, is to change the resolution back and forth. Kinda hard without seeing the mouse but I have a touchscreen so that's a little easier.