How to change Bethesda account in Doom Eternal?

I have Steam version of Doom Eternal. Game prompted me to create Bethesda account so I did it via Steam overlay browser. Game decided to eat underscore from my email and now it is stuck with invalid, and apparently already taken, email so game complains that "No username specified. Please complete account verification" with some funky guid in place of username.

Bethesda support is, of course, incapable of assisting with this issue.

I tried deleting userdata for Doom, didn't help.

Now I can't get that cute unicorn skin.

How can I enter correct Bethesda account into Doom Eternal?

Update: It appears game automatically created Bethesda account on incorrect email (which appears to be taken...), and linked my Steam to it. Currently I can not link my Steam to my Bethesda account.

Be very careful when linking Doom Eternal to Bethesda account.

Solution 1:

I feel your pain, I did exactly the same but put "" accidentally. The only way I've found to do it is by submitting a ticket to Bethesda, they replied to me and said that they can unlink but I'd lose all my battlemode progress and I've put hours and hours into it. Not sure if it's worth it for me personally.