How to show mouse pointer in responsive mode?

I used to be able to uncheck a checkbox that said Emulate touch screen in the Emulation/Sensors-panel so that I could see a mouse pointer when using responsive mode. This panel is now gone, and the new sensors-panel doesn't have this setting.

This makes it impossible to use the responsive mode, as I have no pointer and no control where I touch/click (who designed this feature?!). How can I see a pointer/mouse when I use responsive mode in newer Chrome?

Solution 1:

Apparently, you're supposed to see a circle as your mouse when using responsive mode. I have never seen that, even using several different machines, so the feature seems broken.

Updated for v72: guide v72


However, right after posting this question, I finally stumbled upon a solution. In version 50, the solution is now to press the three dots to the right in responsive mode, and select Show device type. This gives you a new dropdown next to the sizes etc., in which Desktop or Mobile (no touch) can be selected to use a normal mouse pointer (disable touch emulation) while using responsive mode.


Solution 2:

Go to: Control Panel > Intel Graphics Settings > Display > General Settings. Then change Quantization Range to Full Range. Solution from here.


Thank @Funktr0n.

Solution 3:

In Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 and macOS Mojave you have to toggle add device type button in the menu of browser window in dev mode to see the device type dropdown: enter image description here

And the select typo of device you need: enter image description here