MacBook Pro sleeps unexpectedly and runs fans at high speed, even after SMC reset
Solution 1:
Run diagnostics on the Mac as follows:
- Disconnect all external devices
- Go to Apple Menu —> Restart
- Immediately press and hold down the D key while your Mac restarts
- Keep holding the D key until you see the screen listing different languages appears
- Click English. Apple Diagnostics starts automatically.
Common results could be:
- Wi-Fi — a failure of the AirPort wireless card (4AIR)
- Hard disk and SSD (4HDD)
- Logic board (4IRP)
- Memory — RAM (4MEM)
- External disk (4MHD)
- Fans (4MOT)
- Processor (4PRC)
- Video/graphics card (4YDC)
I'd recommend you see if you have a fan issue: 4MOT