Command/Control keys are split on PC keyboard with Mac

No matter how many combinations I try in Modifier Keys, unfortunately the control/command keys split responsibilities.

For example:

Control x, c, v all work fine, but Control z, t, r don't work - instead i have to use Command z, t, r.

Is there a way to have one of these buttons for all shortcuts? I tried changing Modifier Keys to use Command for all shortcuts but my Mac would not respect it. Also tried Karabiner. FYI I'm using a Razer keyboard.


edit: updated w/ image and scenarios -

current settings on my mac w/ razer keyboad

the above settings allows the following:

1) in TextEdit on my mac, the following commands work: ctrl x, c, v all works. but ctrl a, z do not work. in order to do ctrl a, z , i have to do windows key + a, z

2) in chrome, i have to do windows t, r in order to open new tab or reload. in chrome url area - i can only do windows + z, x, c, v, a (ctrl doesnt work with any of these despite working partially in TextEdit!!)

3) in gmail - windows a, z works. and ctrl x, c, v works. !

I tried multiple combinations in modifier keys section for keyboard but no matter what combination i try, the commands always split b/w ctrl and windows key. i also tried Karabiner using every variation under the sun but to no avail.

Is a computer reset my only option? Brand new mac been using for 1 month. :/

Please note that <Ctrl> on a "PC" keyboard is the same as <CTRL> on a Mac keyboard. Normally on a Mac you would need to use <Command>-C for copy, not <CTRL>-C.

Note that on a PC keynote <Alt> and <Command> keys are normally reversed. Maybe this is what you are trying to fix via the Modifier keys in the keyboard control panel?

Below is the mappings hatI have for his exact configuration: <CTRL>