broadcast receiver for missed call in android

You need to use a ContentObserver

public class MissedCallsContentObserver extends ContentObserver
    public MissedCallsContentObserver()

    public void onChange(boolean selfChange)
        Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
            Calls.TYPE +  " = ? AND " + Calls.NEW + " = ?", 
            new String[] { Integer.toString(Calls.MISSED_TYPE), "1" }, 
            Calls.DATE + " DESC ");

        //this is the number of missed calls
        //for your case you may need to track this number
        //so that you can figure out when it changes


From your app, you just need to do this:

MissedCallsContentObserver mcco = new MissedCallsContentObserver();
getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(Calls.CONTENT_URI, true, mcco);

There is no specific broadcast for a missed call, AFAIK.

You can watch for ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED broadcasts, wait until the phone shifts from EXTRA_STATE_RINGING to EXTRA_STATE_IDLE, then try checking the CallLog content provider to see if the call was missed. I have not tried this technique, but it may work.