Bluetooth mouse constantly fails to reconnect after sleep

It seems the bluetooth subsystem shows some bugs after the upgrade to 13.10. It was working quite happily at 13.04.

The bluetooth mouse I have, simply won't connect after the computer goes into any sort of sleep and has to be re-added each and every time. Sometimes the the entire bluetooth stack has vanished alltogether.

What changed with the bluetooth between these versions, that may cause this?

This is a fresh install of Kubuntu I'm using (bluedevil) no an upgrade, but the same hardware as 13.04 was happy on.

I have reported this as a bug

and added the link here as requested.

Solution 1:

Don't want to resurrect an old question but I had this same issue in Arch and now in Ubuntu 14.04. I've been able to find a permanent work around on both systems. For those Googling for a solution this is what worked for me. Your mileage may vary. For Ubuntu I follow instruction from the BluetoothSetup wiki page specifically the instruction for 11.04. For easy sake here are the steps I went through.

  1. Make sure you unpair and disconnect your mouse completely
  2. Set device in Pair mode
  3. Open Terminal and run

    hcitool scan

    Make note of the Mac address of your device in the format of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

  4. Next, enter:

    sudo bluez-simple-agent hci0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    sudo bluez-test-device trusted XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX yes
    sudo bluez-test-input connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  5. After this you can restart bluetooth service, sleep the laptop, turn off and turn on the mouse to check.

The two main points are the last two lines in step 4. I believe they are what make the connect permanent. Their order is important it they just need to ran together.

Solution 2:

What I am doing now is selecting the mouse on the bluetooth icon and click on disconnect, after the bluetooth icon blinks I do connect and the mouse works again.