How to automatically attach E-mail, not embed them [duplicate]

You can do this individually by dragging the image(s) in, right clicking on them and clicking "View as Icon". You can select multiple images at once to do this as well.

If you would like Mail to do this automatically with all attachments, try the following Terminal command:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

Relaunch Mail for this to take effect.

Hope this helps!

Mail offers you no way to change the attachment to not be inline. There are ways to change the appearance of it, using 'View as icon', and there is a command line instruction that will set that as the default. But this only applies to you, not the recipient of any messages that you send.

However, it doesn't have to be this way. The MIME protocol does allow for non-inline attachments. But the only way I've found that allows you to utilise this is to use Lokiware's Attachment Tamer, currently $14.99.