Kotlin: Apply vs With

What is the difference between with and apply. From what I know the following code does the same thing:

swingElement.apply {
    preferredWidth = ENABLED_COLUMN_WIDTH
with(swingElement) {
    preferredWidth = ENABLED_COLUMN_WIDTH

Is there any difference and should I use one over the other? Also, are there some cases where one would work and the other won't?

Solution 1:

There're two differences:

  1. apply accepts an instance as the receiver while with requires an instance to be passed as an argument. In both cases the instance will become this within a block.

  2. apply returns the receiver and with returns a result of the last expression within its block.

I'm not sure there can be some strict rules on which function to choose. Usually you use apply when you need to do something with an object and return it. And when you need to perform some operations on an object and return some other object you can use either with or run. I prefer run because it's more readable in my opinion but it's a matter of taste.

Solution 2:

The apply function

//returns receiver T, T exposed as `this`
fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T 


The apply function is invoked on a receiver T, which will be exposed as this in the passed lambda expression. The receiver also becomes the result of apply automatically.

The with function

//return arbitrary value R, not an extension function, T exposed as `this` 
fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R 


The with function, as opposed to all other scope functions (let, run, also, apply), is not defined as an extension function. Instead, the function is invoked with a receiver object as its first argument explicitly. Same as apply, the receiver is exposed as this in the passed lambda. The result of the lambda, i.e. it’s last statement, becomes the result (R) of with.

Solution 3:

Here are the Similarities and Differences


With and Apply both accept an object as a receiver in whatever manner they are passed.


With returns the last line in the lambda as the result of the expression.

Apply returns the object that was passed in as the receiver as the result of the lambda expression.



private val ORIENTATIONS = with(SparseIntArray()) {
    append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 90)
    append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 0)
    append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 270)
    append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 180)
ORIENTATIONS[0] // doesn't work 
// Here, using with prevents me from accessing the items in the SparseArray because, 
// the last line actually returns nothing


private val ORIENTATIONS = SparseIntArray().apply {
    append(Surface.ROTATION_0, 90)
    append(Surface.ROTATION_90, 0)
    append(Surface.ROTATION_180, 270)
    append(Surface.ROTATION_270, 180)
// Here, using apply, allows me to access the items in the SparseArray because, 
// the SparseArray is returned as the result of the expression

Solution 4:

"with(here class reference required)" is used for accessing variable of another class but not for method of that class. Now if we want to use variable and method of another class that time we need to use apply(reference.apply{}) Declare a class like below

class Employee {
    var name:String = ""
    var age:Int = -1

    fun customMethod() {
        println("I am kotlin developer")

Now we can access name and age variable of Employee class in onCreate by "with"

val emp = Employee()
with(emp) {
    name="Shri Ram"

but we cannot access the "customMethod" of Employee class by with so if we need to use variable along with method, then we need to use "apply":

val emp = Employee()
emp.apply {

Output of with

I/System.out: Shri Ram
I/System.out: 30

Output of apply

I/System.out: I am kotlin developer 
I/System.out: param
I/System.out: 30