Timestamped Event Matching Error: Failed to find matching element

I'm trying to generate a UItest in Xcode. When I try to swipe UIview I get an error:

Timestamped Event Matching Error: Failed to find matching element

error window

enter image description here

This also happens if I try to tap UIView.

Solution 1:

You should verify that the 'Accessibility' option is enabled for the UIView object you are swiping from, for example:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Usually this issue is observed when the parent element of the element yo want to record is set to isAccessibilityElement = true. In general, you have to have the parent element set to false to access the child element.

For example: if you have a UILabel inside a view, the accessibility should be set to false for the view and set to true for the UILabel.

Solution 3:

In Xcode 9.3, where this is apparently still a problem, what I did was:

  • Quit Xcode
  • Reset the Simulator's settings (Hardware -> Erase all contents and settings)
  • Quit the Simulator
  • Delete the derived data for the current app
  • Restart Xcode
  • Try recording again - it worked this time for me.

Solution 4:

For recording a new test, I don't think there's a solution yet. But, if you use an extension forcing tap with a test that already exists, works.

Example of use:

extension XCUIElement {

    func forceTapElement() {
        if self.hittable {
        else {
            let coordinate: XCUICoordinate = self.coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVectorMake(0.0, 0.0))

func testSomethingWithCells() {

   let app = XCUIApplication()
   let cells = app.tables.cells

You can check the original post here:

Xcode UI test - UI Testing Failure - Failed to scroll to visible (by AX action) when tap on Search field "Cancel' button