How does one type an "É" (capital e acute) in the French keyboard layout in Mac OS X?

I've searched the web for a method to type an "É" character with a french keyboard layout in firefox.

It appears I'm supposed to type +E, and then +E to achieve this, but as soon as I press and E simultaneously, an


character appears. Why, and what should I try instead?

I'm using Lion.

French layout?

  1. Press caps lock .
  2. Press the é key (that's the 2 on a QWERTY).
  3. Press caps lock again.

But you need to make sure you're using the French layout, and not French - numeric (“Français - numérique”, French flag with “123” beneath it).

French keyboard layouts in Mac OS X

Otherwise, you're explicitly asking the system to use the caps lock key as a shift lock for the numbers bar on the top of the keyboard!

To type this character, type +E, then +E. "É" is the character I get.

In Lion, I understand one can hold down the key, a la iOS, and get a list of possible characters with accents for many of the keys:

enter image description here