How to calculate the mean of the top 10% in R
Mean of top 10% of values, using base R:
x = c(1:100,NA)
mean(x[x>=quantile(x, 0.9, na.rm=TRUE)], na.rm=TRUE)
Mean of top 10% of values, by grouping variable:
# Fake data
dat = data.frame(x=1:100, group=rep(LETTERS[1:3], c(30,30,40)))
With dplyr
dat %>% group_by(group) %>%
summarise(meanTop10pct = mean(x[x>=quantile(x, 0.9)]))
group meanTop10pct (fctr) (dbl) 1 A 29.0 2 B 59.0 3 C 98.5
With data.table
setDT(dat)[, list(meanTop10pct = mean(x[x>=quantile(x, 0.9)])), by=group]
group meanTop10pct 1: A 29.0 2: B 59.0 3: C 98.5