Why is Count not an unsigned integer? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Unsigned integer is not CLS-compliant (Common Language Specification)

For more info on CLS compliant code, see this link:


Solution 2:

Mabye because the uint data type is not part of the CLS (common language specification) as not all .Net languages support it.

Here is very similar thread about arrays:

Why is Array.Length an int, and not an uint

Solution 3:

Let’s look at this from a practical angle.

For better or worse, signed ints are the normal sort of ints in use in .NET. It was also normal to use signed ints in C and C++. So, most variables are declared to be int rather than unsigned int unless there is a good reason otherwise.

Converting between an unsigned int and a signed int has issues and is not always safe.

On a 32 bit system it is not possible for a collection to have anywhere close to 2^^32 items in it, so a signed int is big enough in all cases.

On a 64 bit system, an unsigned int does not gain you much, in most cases a signed int is still big enough, otherwise you need to use a 64 bit int. (I expect that none of the standard collection will cope well with anywhere near 2^^31 items on a 64 system!)

Therefore given that using an unsigned int has no clear advantage, why would you use an unsigned int?