Delete a project from SonarQube

Does anyone know how to delete a project from a SonarQube server?

Thanks, Ronen.

Solution 1:

You have 2 ways to delete a project:

  • If you are an admin of the project, you can delete it from its configuration actions

    => See "Deleting a project" in the "Project Administration" documentation page

  • If you are a SonarQube administrator, then you can also delete a project from the "Project Management" page

    => See "Project Management/Project Existence" documentation page

Solution 2:

Updated for Sonar 2.11:

  • Select the project (from the home page)
  • Then click on the Project Deletion link on the bottom of the left panel
  • Finally, confirm using the Delete Project button

Solution 3:

In Sonar 3.6, the deletion button is in the project page, under the search input, inside the menu Configuration (you must be logged as administrator):

enter image description here