Is it possible to focus on a <div> using JavaScript focus() function?

Solution 1:

Yes - this is possible. In order to do it, you need to assign a tabindex...

<div tabindex="0">Hello World</div>

A tabindex of 0 will put the tag "in the natural tab order of the page". A higher number will give it a specific order of priority, where 1 will be the first, 2 second and so on.

You can also give a tabindex of -1, which will make the div only focus-able by script, not the user.

document.getElementById('test').onclick = function () {
div:focus {
    background-color: Aqua;
<div>Element X (not focusable)</div>
<div tabindex="0">Element Y (user or script focusable)</div>
<div tabindex="-1" id="scripted">Element Z (script-only focusable)</div>
<div id="test">Set Focus To Element Z</div>

Obviously, it is a shame to have an element you can focus by script that you can't focus by other input method (especially if a user is keyboard only or similarly constrained). There are also a whole bunch of standard elements that are focusable by default and have semantic information baked in to assist users. Use this knowledge wisely.

Solution 2:

window.location.hash = '#tries';

This will scroll to the element in question, essentially "focus"ing it.

Solution 3:

document.getElementById('tries').scrollIntoView() works. This works better than window.location.hash when you have fixed positioning.