Problems when trying to delete/uninstall Xcode

I'm trying to uninstall Xcode. I dragged the application to the trash and tried to delete but it hung for a while and then said it couldn't be deleted because some of its files were in use. However, now the icon looks like this:

enter image description here

I searched and found another answer here that says to run:

sudo <Xcode directory>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all

I just want to confirm that this won't cause any issues with my existing Xcode projects. I'm really just trying to uninstall Xcode to free up space on my hard drive in order to download the newest version of Xcode (I don't have the free space to simply download the new version/update).

Thanks for any help.

Solution 1:

I just want to confirm that this won't cause any issues with my existing Xcode projects.

It won't.

As long as you don't delete any project files and data you'll be fine. Also make sure to keep you projects backed on.