What is the word equivalent to "dine with me" for lunch? [closed]

While "Would you dine with me tonight?" is to eat dinner with me. How can I ask some one to have lunch with me?

Solution 1:

You've answered your question in your question. The simplest, easiest way to say it is:

Would (or will) you have lunch with me?


Would (or will) you go to lunch with me?

You could technically say:

Would you lunch with me?

But it's a rather stilted way to phrase it.

Solution 2:

It's something of shibboleth today but I often heard people in New York's pulsating business culture in 1980's and 1990's end a meeting with the refrain, "Let's do lunch sometime"! My take on this is that it was a meaningless gesture of the burgeoning business culture post-1970's, a revival that relied heavily at a certain level on networking and the "business" lunch. It was a mistake to believe that this was a sincere invitation to lunch; rather it was understood as a way of signalling the possibility of a convivial business lunch, an opportunity to negotiate or close a business deal that might crop up in the future.

It's no coincidence that New York's once great restaurant, the Four Seasons, gave us the expression "power lunch", the great and the good of Manhattan's business elite jockeying for the allocation of the best tables in the Grill Room if you were A-list, the Pool Room the natural habitat of the also rans.

Solution 3:

If you’re interested in just a word, and not a word–for–word equivalent of the phrase, then “Lunch” with a quizzical look on you face should do the trick, as well.