Is "Which country are you guys at?" correct?

I'm not sure whether this sentence is right. " Which country are you guys at?" I said this without any hesitation but ... I don't think it's right. I'm not 100% sure.

So my own corrections are:

  1. Which country are you guys from?
  2. Which country are you guys in?

I'd like to know how I can put this more naturally. What else can I say that would be correct?

"At" is bad, because a country is a large thing. "At" is best with points (no area or volume). However, there are special contexts that would make sense of "Which country are you at?". If you were going through a file of visa applications in a file that was organized by country, for instance, you might be at Germany in the file but not yet come to Honduras.

"In" is best with things that have volume, or at least can contain things -- rooms, swimming pools, cars.

However, there many idiomatic uses of "in/on/at" that don't seem to obey any overall logic.