Adding a line break to a shell output in AppleScript
I've got a script working but not the way I want. Here's the script
return do shell script "BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/; SYSTEM_PROFILER=$(system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType); MAC_ADDR=$(grep -b2 \"Minor Type: Headphones\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Address/{print $3}'); CONNECTED=$(grep -ia6 \"${MAC_ADDR}\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Connected: Yes/{print 1}'); BLUETOOTH_DATA=$(grep -ia6 '\"'\"${MAC_ADDR}\"'\"'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS}\"); BATTERY_LEVELS=(\"BatteryPercentCombined\" \"HeadsetBattery\" \"BatteryPercentSingle\" \"BatteryPercentLeft\" \return\"BatteryPercentRight\"); if [[ \"${CONNECTED}\" ]]; then for I in \"${BATTERY_LEVELS[@]}\"; do declare -x \"${I}\"=\"$(awk -v pat=\"${I}\" '$0~pat{gsub (\";\",\"\"); print $3 }'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DATA}\")\"; [[ ! -z \"${!I}\" ]] && OUTPUT=\"${OUTPUT} $(awk '/BatteryPercent/{print substr($0,15,1)\": \"}'<<<\"${I}\")${!I}%\"; done; printf \"%s\\n\" \"${OUTPUT}\"; else printf \"%s Not Connected\\n\" \"${OUTPUT}\"; fi" # Version 2.3
It returns:
L: 82% R: 88%
What I want it to return is:
L: 82%
R: 88%
I can't for the life of me figure out how to add the break. I've tried \n, \t, \r, & return &,... nothing works. This is probably just my ignorance though. I know enough to get myself in trouble.
Any thoughts?
Solution 1:
In the correct context, Unix uses \n or 0x0A.
mac $ echo -e ".\nhi\n."
mac $
If you use command substitution ($(...)
) newlines will be stripped. From man bash
Bash performs the expansion by executing command and replacing the command substitution with the standard output of the command, with any trailing newlines deleted. Embedded newlines are not deleted, but they may be removed during word splitting.
# avoid bash from messing with string, since $z is quoted in the echo.
mac $ z=$(echo -e "L: 82%\nR: 88%")
mac $ echo "$z"
L: 82%
R: 88%
mac $
# With command splitting since the variable $Z isn't in quotes.
mac $ z=$(echo -e "L: 82%"; echo -e "R: 88%")
mac $ echo $z
L: 82% R: 88%
mac $ echo -e "L: 82%"; echo -e "R: 88%"
L: 82%
R: 88%
mac $
I'd just parse the output and add in the Applescript reserve word return. assume the Unix output is in fromUnix
global debug
set debug to 0
log alterString(fromUnix, "%", "%"&return)
-- ------------------------------------------------------
thisText is the input string to change
delim is what string to change. It doesn't have to be a single character.
replacement is the new string
returns the changed string.
on alterString(thisText, delim, replacement)
global debug
if debug ≥ 5 then log "in ~~~ alterString ~~~"
if debug ≥ 6 then
hexDumpFormatOne("alterString: input text, thisText,", thisText)
log "alterString: delim is -->" & delim & "<--"
hexDumpFormatOne("alterString: input search string, delim,", delim)
log "alterString: replacement is " & replacement
end if
set resultList to {}
set {tid, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, delim}
set resultList to every text item of thisText
set text item delimiters to replacement
set resultString to resultList as string
on error
log "alterString: ==>error altering the string. "
set resultString to thisText
end try
set my text item delimiters to tid
if debug ≥ 6 then hexDumpFormatOne("alterString: resultString", resultString)
return resultString
end alterString