Can Windows 7 be repaired to run with new motherboard?

Solution 1:

I just used this tutorial to get back into my Windows 7 SP1 32-bit operating system. My inital problem is the same as yours in that I replaced my motherboard, CPU, Graphics Card and RAM and when I rebooted my PC; Windows crashed with a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) after the starting logo.

The new motherboard I was using was an MSI Z77A-G41 Plus. Here is a short version of the tutorial (in case the link goes dead):

  1. Download drivers for your motherboard and unpack them onto a USB or CD-Drive (I used a USB)

  2. Create a Windows Repair USB/DVD for your version of Windows

  3. Boot your PC into the Repair Utility and run the repair on your Windows, when this fails use back to get yourself to a menu with a command prompt option on.

  4. Insert your USB/DVD with the drivers

  5. Hit command prompt and find your USB/DVD drive letter using:

    dir $DRIVE:\

where $DRIVE is a letter from C-Z (mine was E:\ for instance), eventually you will find the USB/DVD with the drivers on. Once that is done enter the following line:

dism /image:$WINDOWSDRIVE:\ /add-driver /Driver:$MEDIA:\ /recurse

where $WINDOWSDRIVE will be C (or perhaps D depending what HDD your Windows sits on) and $MEDIA will be the Drive letter of your USB/DVD with the drivers on.

This should successfully copy your new motherboard's drivers across to Windows. Boot your PC back into Windows, at this point it may fix itself. But if it doesn't (as in my case) then attempt to switch your SATA mode from AHCI to IDE in the BIOS and start using Last Known Configuration. This rectified the problem for me but if this doesn't work for you remember that the hard part is probably over and you are quite close to having your OS back.

Finally, if you do manage to get back into your Windows, be prepared for an Activation message and have the key handy for your windows install. Best of luck and please feel free to ask any questions below.

Solution 2:

It requires quite some BIOS (eg. AHCI mode), driver (chipset controller) and registry fiddling in order to get your Windows to work on your new motherboard. Even if you do get it working, you will not be able to use it due to licensing issues. This is to prevent you from reselling the computer with better components.

You should install a new Windows 7 over the current Windows 7, or perhaps do an Easy Transfer. Be sure to back-up your computer in advance to prevent data loss. This is an easy way to fix your installation and only requires you to install some programs again. Note that because you have a new motherboard you do need a new Windows 7 license...

There's nothing wrong with buying HP, but you should consider to switch to a retail installation instead of OEM if you like to upgrade your hardware now and then. Going to Ubuntu might cause similar problems, although you won't have licensing issues. But well, some people prefer Windows while others do not...