Uninstalling Parallels Desktop 14 - Aren't there drivers or kernel extensions too?

Solution 1:

Aren't there drivers or kernel extensions too?

Yes, apparently Parallels does use kernel extensions.

If in the Finder we select Parallels Desktop.app and context-click to choose Show package contents, we can navigate to nested folder Contents > Library > Extensions > 10.9 to find some .kext files such as prl_hypervisor.kext.

Are such kernel extensions copied somewhere else upon installation? Yes. Doing a sudo find / -name prl_hypervisor.kext in the Terminal.app shows two hits, one inside the app and one copied elsewhere into a StagedExtensions folder:

  • /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Library/Extensions/10.9/prl_hypervisor.kext
  • /Library/StagedExtensions/Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Library/Extensions/10.9/prl_hypervisor.kext

screenshot of Finder showing path to .kext files made visible by choosing "Show package contents".

I have not yet tried deleting the app via the Trash yet. So I do not know if doing so removes the copy as well as the original.