How to reduce Roblox lag on a possibly Potato PC
I'm looking for ways to further reduce/remove lag from my possibly potato PC. I did reduce most of the quality settings from the Roblox studio, and only plays games on lowest possible settings. But, at 9am in Korea, it runs at 100~200 pings, and during the evening it jumps to 2000~3000 pings.
Is there a way to fix this morning and evening gap of lag? As only in the evening am I able to play, and having literal 5 second delay disables gameplay whatsoever. This wouldn't matter so much if it was mostly things like Obbies, but this is for Rogue Lineage, a game where timing and quick response is key.
Is there a way I can further reduce lag on my PC? And please keep the "upgrade your PC" opinion to the minimum, as it is not a very viable option for me.
My PC specs are:
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
- RAM: 4.00GB (3.48 Available)
- System: 32 Bit, x64 based processor
(This was all translated from Korean to English, so ask me to provide further information in the comments.) EDIT: Thanks! But can you provide further information of about what level of graphics is the golden spot? Also, yes, it's like its on a timer, only during evenings does it jump to 2k ping. During about 11, it's only 90. If this is a network problem, is there a way I can make it better? I'm just a kid so...
That's not your computer, That is your internet connection! Your computer will lag a little bit on Roblox. But ping is how long it takes for your input to go to the Roblox servers. The answer to this question is sadly is that you need to pay for a better internet plan. Or you could try plugging a Ethernet cable right into your computer to get somewhat better internet. It could also be where you live or a problem at roblox!