Angular 2 - Check if image url is valid or broken

I am fetching a large number of image URLs from an API and display them in a angular 2 web application. Some of the URLs are broken and i want to replace them with a default picture that is stored locally on my webserver. Does anyone have a suggestion how to test the urls and in the case of status code 404 replace the broken image?


Solution 1:

Listen to the error event of the image element:

<img [src]="someUrl" (error)="updateUrl($event)">

where updateUrl(event) { ... } assigns a new value to this.someUrl.

Plunker example

If you want to check in code only you can use the method explained in Checking if image does exists using javascript

  selector: 'img[default]',
  host: {
class DefaultImage {
  @Input() src:string;
  @Input() default:string;

  updateUrl() {
    this.src = this.default;

Directive Plunker example

Solution 2:

You can use onError event this way to handle invalid url or broken url.

<img [src]="invalidPath" onError="this.src='images/angular.png'"/> 

This way you can directly assign img path to src with onError event

Solution 3:

My example on angular 4

<img [src]="img" (error)="img.src = errorImg" #img>
  1. Where img - path to image;
  2. error - error emmit
  3. errorImg - path to default img
  4. #img - link to img object