Ok, so I've searched the web everywhere for this. EVERYWHERE. I'm in my creative world on an Apple iPad in Minecraft-PE trying to make a map. When I do /say in a command block for example:

/say Hello Wary traveler!

it says:

[!] Hello Wary traveler!

I've searched far and wide how to change that [!] into a name! I've tried renaming the command block. No luck. I've tried:

/tellraw @a {"text":"[DizzyKitty] Hi

Says there's an error that I can never seem to fix. I tried looking it up on youtube and websites and I'm getting nowhere. Please help. I don't know if anyone knows the answer to my question, but if you do I would greatly aprrieate if you could help me! D;

Solution 1:

You're doing a Java Edition command in Bedrock Edition.

Try /tellraw @a {"rawtext":[{"text":"[DizzyKitty] Hi"}]}.