How to count RecyclerView items with Espresso

Using Espresso and Hamcrest,

How can I count items number available in a recyclerView?

Exemple: I would like check if 5 items are displaying in a specific RecyclerView (scrolling if necessary).

Here an example ViewAssertion to check RecyclerView item count

public class RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion implements ViewAssertion {
  private final int expectedCount;

  public RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion(int expectedCount) {
    this.expectedCount = expectedCount;

  public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
    if (noViewFoundException != null) {
        throw noViewFoundException;

    RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) view;
    RecyclerView.Adapter adapter = recyclerView.getAdapter();
    assertThat(adapter.getItemCount(), is(expectedCount));

and then use this assertion

onView(withId( RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion(5));

I have started to write an library which should make testing more simple with espresso and uiautomator. This includes tooling for RecyclerView action and assertions. See for example EspRecyclerView with the method assertItemCountIs(int)

Adding a bit of syntax sugar to the @Stephane's answer.

public class RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion implements ViewAssertion {
    private final Matcher<Integer> matcher;

    public static RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion withItemCount(int expectedCount) {
        return withItemCount(is(expectedCount));

    public static RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion withItemCount(Matcher<Integer> matcher) {
        return new RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion(matcher);

    private RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion(Matcher<Integer> matcher) {
        this.matcher = matcher;

    public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException) {
        if (noViewFoundException != null) {
            throw noViewFoundException;

        RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) view;
        RecyclerView.Adapter adapter = recyclerView.getAdapter();
        assertThat(adapter.getItemCount(), matcher);


    import static your.package.RecyclerViewItemCountAssertion.withItemCount;

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