How can I make my werewolf claws more effective?

Solution 1:

To all viewing this recently. .

As A.C.M. noted, claw damage increases with character level but is not on a scale with damage from actual weapons. You will have 0 armor as a werewolf, so the damage output will not keep you alive. The fear roar does not work on higher level opponents; even bandits are immune at higher levels!

Essentially, after approximately level 30, werewolves are generally useless except for the disease immunity, which sometimes doesn't work anyway. The ability to carry large amts of gear is offset by their being unable to pick up gear, so it is of reduced usefulness. Sprinting is the only advantage and pretty much pointless in a game with fast travel.

Final answer: use a mod someone has made, mod the game yourself, or don't transform, since nearly everything can 1-shot you around lvl 30 or so.

Solution 2:

The khajit racial attribute of +15 to unarmed attacks will not stack with the werewolf claws. The werewolf is considered a seperate race - and all racial skills and attributes are lost in werewolf form.

I have however heard that the game engine treats the werewolf claw attack as a single handed weapon, and that the dual savagery perk effects the claw attack.

Solution 3:

If you're an orc you can cast berserker rage right before transforming. So you will deal twice as much damage. You can glitch where you wield weapons in your hands after transformation. I usually go under water dual wielding weapons (usually enchanted so I maintain those effects) to make this bug occur. With Dawnguard installed the first werewolf perks increases your damage by 25% each rank up to 100%.