Can't download dSYM file from iTunes connect

Solution 1:

Do you still have the archive available in Xcode as you can save them out from there:

  1. Select Window -> Organizer
  2. This will open up Organizer window containing your archives.
  3. Right click on Archive and select 'Show in Finder'.
  4. Right click archive in finder and select 'Show Package Contents'.
  5. Project.xcarchive contains dSYMs, Info.plist and Products.
  6. dSYMs folder contains dSYM file of your project.

You can enable the Debug Symbol file generation during build within Xcode as below.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I got the same issue today. But I've been using Fastlane and do not have any archives inside the project organizer. So the only option is to get it from Appstore. I think it's a bug from the Appstore side. Just don't click the "Download dSYM" button. Just copy the link and open it on a new tab. Then you could download the dSYM's

enter image description here

Solution 3:

It seems 'Download dSYM file' link is intended for downloading dSYMs generated by App Store when bitcode is enabled. Thus if bitcode is disabled for your application dSYM files are contained by your Mac. If bitcode enabled the final compilation of your binary will be execute on App Store and new dSYM will be generated. And new dSYM you will be able to download from App Store Connect with 'Download dSYM file'.

See 'Bitcode' section in Apple documentation.