IBM ServeRAID: how to use email alerts?

Solution 1:

I had the same problem several years ago. This was because the parameter local only was checked. I don't know why but this prevent the app to talk even with the local service.

Also check if the serveraid service is running because the app talk with it.

Once the app is connected with the service, you see the configure item in the icon bar. This is where you have the email settings.

Solution 2:

If you hear audible clicks and other sounds from the disks, you shouldn't wait for a failure to replace a bad component.

But for the IBM ServeRAID Manager software, the instructions are outlined here:

You have to select a valid object (controller, array set, etc.) before the Actions menu becomes selectable.

Solution 3:

If you just want RAID notifications for ServeRAID, I gave up on the heavy application software and used my own script to do it. Depending on the version of ServeRAID, you need to get the proper binaries from the package and then you can interrogate the status of the RAID array. For ServeRAID 4Lx, I think it's ipssend.

I then used a simple script to send me notifications of any changes in status. e.g.:


recipient="[email protected]"

/usr/local/bin/ipssend getconfig 1 > /tmp/

# If there was a previous check, compare the previous output to this one
if [ -e /tmp/raidstatus.last ]
        diff /tmp/ /tmp/raidstatus.last > /dev/null
        if [ "$err" != "0" ]
                /usr/bin/zip /tmp/ /tmp/ /tmp/raidstatus.last
                /usr/bin/uuencode /tmp/ | mail -s "RAID Message for `uname -n`" "$recipient"
                rm /tmp/
        mail -s "RAID Message for `uname -n`" "$recipient" << EOF

RAID monitoring has begun!



mv -f /tmp/ /tmp/raidstatus.last