onchange equivalent in angular2

Solution 1:

We can use Angular event bindings to respond to any DOM event. The syntax is simple. We surround the DOM event name in parentheses and assign a quoted template statement to it. -- reference

Since change is on the list of standard DOM events, we can use it:


In your particular case, since you're using NgModel, you could break up the two-way binding like this instead:

[ngModel]="range" (ngModelChange)="saverange($event)"


saverange(newValue) {
  this.range = newValue;
  this.Platform.ready().then(() => {

However, with this approach saverange() is called with every keystroke, so you're probably better off using (change).

Solution 2:

In Angular you can define event listeners like in the example below:

<!-- Here you can call public methods from parental component -->
<input (change)="method_name()">