Someone with opposing personality traits

I'm looking for a word for someone with personality traits that oppose each other. Not someone two-faced but more like someone who is two sides of a coin but a the same time; like shy but outgoing, dominant but submissive, selfish but generous, or vain but hates them self. A walking-talking oxymoron but that's not the word I'm looking for either. It was used by a teacher to describe me but I cannot remember it.

Its either adj or n but I cant quite remember the context; something like:

You have a very insert word personality, or
Your conflicting personality makes you a insert word.

You might say that the person is complex, or complicated.

This characterization is often used in situations where a person exhibits contradictory tendencies.

Urban Dictionary even has an entry for complicated:

When your emotions are constantly in conflict with each other, and you just want to escape the world.

Urban Dictionary

That said, these words are also used to describe a person who has a deep or nuanced personality, so they may be a bit more general than what you're after.
