How do I use launchctl print?

I made a launchd service file then started it. Now I want to use the launchctl print command but I'm not sure how.

I read: What is the difference between a `service-name` and a `service-target`? and tried using the id -u command with the user/ prefix but it also didn't work.

How do I use the launchtl print command with my service?

$ cat <<'EOF' > ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
$ launchctl list | grep
66590   0
$ launchctl print ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
Unrecognized target specifier. <service-target> takes a form of <domain-target>/<service-id>.
Please refer to `man launchctl` for explanation of the <domain-target> specifiers.
Usage: launchctl print <domain-target> | <service-target>
$ launchctl print
Unrecognized target specifier. <service-target> takes a form of <domain-target>/<service-id>.
Please refer to `man launchctl` for explanation of the <domain-target> specifiers.
Usage: launchctl print <domain-target> | <service-target>
$ launchctl print user/$(id -u)/
Could not find service "" in domain for uid: 501
$ launchctl version
Darwin Bootstrapper Version 6.0.0: Thu Apr 25 23:14:22 PDT 2019; root:libxpc_executables-1336.261.2~6/launchd/RELEASE_X86_64

As mentioned by @GordonDavisson in his comment How do I use launchctl print? use this command

launchctl print gui/$(id -u)/