Is there a way to get file metadata from the command line?

You can use WMIC.exe to get most of the way there:

C:\>wmic datafile where Name="C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" get Manufacturer,Name,Version
Manufacturer           Name                         Version
Microsoft Corporation  c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe  6.1.7601.17514

Note the escaping of the backslashes \ in the path (it does not work otherwise).

What you are looking for can be pulled with a combination of dsofile.dll (not needed if you have Office installed) and autoit or any .NET language.

I also found a powershell method, but I haven't been able to test it.

I wrote up a little script with autoit that still needs some tweaking. I am on Vista and I can't get the few dsofile.dll calls to function as I would expect, though it still provides some output that you might be interested in. I'll work on this more in the morning when I have access to an XP and win7 VM. Note that you need to change the path in the dll functions to wherever you install dsofile.dll.

#include <file.au3>
Dim $file, $objFile, $Path, $encoding, $attrib, $attributes, $dt, $stamp, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt

If $CmdLine[0] = 0 Then
    ConsoleWrite("You must specify a file")
    $file = $CmdLine[1]
    If FileExists($file) Then
        $objFile = ObjCreate("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
        If Not IsObj($objFile) Then Exit
        $Path = _PathSplit($file, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt)
        ConsoleWrite("Filename: " & $Path[3] & $Path[4] & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Size: " & FileGetSize($file) & " bytes" & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Version: " & FileGetVersion($file) & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Company: " & $objFile.SummaryProperties.Company & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Author: " & $objFile.SummaryProperties.Author & @CRLF)
        $encoding = FileGetEncoding($file)
            Case $encoding = 0
                $encoding = "ANSI"
            Case $encoding = 32
                $encoding = "UTF16 Little Endian"
            Case $encoding = 64
                $encoding = "UTF16 Big Endian"
            Case $encoding = 128
                $encoding = "UTF8 (with BOM)"
            Case $encoding = 256
                $encoding = "UTF8 (without BOM)"
        ConsoleWrite("Encoding: " & $encoding & @CRLF)
        $attrib = FileGetAttrib($file)
        $attributes = ""
            If StringInStr($attrib, "R") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " READONLY"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "A") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " ARCHIVE"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "S") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " SYSTEM"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "H") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " HIDDEN"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "N") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " NORMAL"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "D") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " DIRECTORY"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "O") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " OFFLINE"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "C") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " COMPRESSED"
            If StringInStr($attrib, "T") <> 0 Then
                $attributes = $attributes & " TEMPORARY"
        ConsoleWrite("Attributes:" & $attributes & @CRLF)
        $dt = FileGetTime($file, 1)
        $stamp = $dt[0] & "-" & $dt[1] & "-" & $dt[2] & " " & $dt[3] & ":" & $dt[4] & ":" & $dt[5]
        ConsoleWrite("Created: " & $stamp & @CRLF)
        $dt = FileGetTime($file, 0)
        $stamp = $dt[0] & "-" & $dt[1] & "-" & $dt[2] & " " & $dt[3] & ":" & $dt[4] & ":" & $dt[5]
        ConsoleWrite("Accessed: " & $stamp & @CRLF)
        $dt = FileGetTime($file, 2)
        $stamp = $dt[0] & "-" & $dt[1] & "-" & $dt[2] & " " & $dt[3] & ":" & $dt[4] & ":" & $dt[5]
        ConsoleWrite("Modified: " & $stamp & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Short Name: " & FileGetShortName($file, 1) & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Long Name: " & FileGetLongName($file, 1))
        ConsoleWrite("Can't find file")

Func _DLLstartup($DLLpath = '')  ;borrowed from Andrew Goulart
    If $DLLpath = Default Or $DLLpath = '' Then $DLLpath = "C:\DsoFile\dsofile.dll";@ScriptDir & '\dsofile.dll'
    ShellExecuteWait('regsvr32', '/s /i ' & $DLLpath, @WindowsDir, 'open', @SW_HIDE)

Func _DLLshutdown($DLLpath = '') ;borrowed from Andrew Goulart
    If $DLLpath = Default Or $DLLpath = '' Then $DLLpath = "C:\DsoFile\dsofile.dll";@ScriptDir & '\dsofile.dll'
    ShellExecuteWait('regsvr32', ' /s /u ' & $DLLpath, @WindowsDir, 'open', @SW_HIDE)

Just to expand on @bobbymcr 's answer above (which I found very helpful, thank you!); you can simplify the command and broaden the results by using the LIST BRIEF or LIST FULL options.

Check > wmic datafile list /? for more details.

This solution helped me:
> wmic datafile "c:\\path\\to\\file.exe" list full

Note: As mentioned by @bobbymcr, remember to escape the \, else it won't work.

To get all metadata:

wmic datafile where name="c:\\path\\to\\file.ext"

To view neatly in separate lines:

wmic datafile where name="c:\\path\\to\\file.ext" get /value