How to increase font size in Vim editor?

I write C programs in Vim; the font size in it is very small.

Is there any option to increase the font size in Vim?

Solution 1:

This may not be an ideal solution but it works for me.

Just zoom in on your terminal with Ctrl+Shift++.

Zoom out with Ctrl+-

Solution 2:

According with

Console Vim uses whatever font your console/terminal is using. [...]

When running inside a terminal, Vim can, at most, change the colours (within the limits of the colours supported by the terminal: sometimes bold and unbold black and white, often 8 colours plus bold/unbold foreground only [or seen another way, 8 background and 16 foreground]; on X11 some terminals support up to 256 background and foreground colours; "changing colours" usually also includes the use of reverse-video), and, if the terminal supports them (not all terminals do, and even those which do may support it only with certain fonts), use bold, underline and/or italic.

That being said, if you want to change the font size in Vim editor, you have to change the font size of your terminal. To do this in gnome-terminal go to EditProfile Preferences:

Profile Preferences

Moreover, you can save these preferences in a new terminal profile and when you are start using Vim, use that profile.

Solution 3:

As @Costa said in the comment, you can

  1. run :set guifont to get the current font
  2. for me, that is Hack 10
  3. then set the font with a larger size :set guifont=Hack\ 12 (note the \ to escape the space)

Solution 4:

Ctrl + mouse scroll up
Ctrl + mouse scroll down.

This works for most terminals.

Solution 5:

I use Vim in Xfce4 Terminal. I assigned this script to the keyboard shortcuts ctrl alt + and ctrl alt - which are the usage script-name --in and script-name --out respectively.


# Check if Xfce4 Terminal is running. If it is not, exit.
status=$(pgrep xfce4-terminal)    
if [ -z "$status" ]; then
    notify-send "No Xfce4 Terminal session is open."
    exit 1

# 1. Get the full line. 2. Get the entire line minus font size. 3. Get only font size. 
line=$(grep "FontName" ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc)
font_name=$(echo "$line" | sed s/'\w*$'//)
font_size=$(echo "$line" | grep -oE '[^ ]+$')

# Increase or decrease font size. You might want to change this to increase and decrease by two.
if [ "$1" = "--in" ]; then
    new_size=$((font_size + 1))
elif [ "$1" = "--out" ]; then
    new_size=$((font_size - 1))
    notify-send "Argument options: --in --out"
    exit 1

# Replace the line with the new font size.
sed -i "$action" ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/terminalrc

# Show only one notification at a time.
notify_status=$(pgrep xfce4-notifyd)
if [ -n "$notify_status" ]; then
    pkill xfce4-notifyd

# Show the new current font being used.
notify-send -t 200 "$new_size pt font"