How to type latin small letter c with cedilla

I run Ubuntu on a DELL XPS 13 notebook that has an US keyboard configured as US international. After upgrading to version 13.10 I can no loger get a cedilla by typing '+C. Instead, I get a "ć".

What should I do to get a "ç"?

I am using Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 64 bit.

Solution 1:

In 13.10 and above you can use right Alt+ , (i.e. right Alt + comma) in English (US International with dead keys) to get ç. Shift + Right Alt + comma = Ç

Right Alt + is useful for ¡¿áéúóí also.

Solution 2:

It seems that just the step 3, proposed by Alexandre Schmidt (another answer to this same question), is enough to make the cedilla work, although the meaning of steps 1 and 2 is unknown for me at this time. I tested just this third step with success, as proposed by Jose Vitor Lopes at Comment 42 for bug 518056. For more details about this issue, check the entire log at Launchpad (

add one line in /etc/environment

GTK_IM_MODULE=cedilla QT_IM_MODULE=cedilla

Restart your computer


The limitation of this change is that other consonants such as "S" are still being accentuated as "Ś", instead of having an apostrophe before the letter, as on "'S", used to express contractions.

16.04 LTS (Unity) update: config file changes are not needed anymore. Just choose one of the following input sources for text entry: (1) English (US, international with dead keys); (2) English (US, alternative international). Cedilla (C + ' = Ç) works fine with them.